研究所が推進している研究から主に以下の3点紹介しました。1. 災害時モビリティ機能を果たすEVと低CO2排出を実現する小型廃資源焼却によるエネルギー再生を活用した、災害に頑健な自立化、協調型エネルギーシステム技術の構築。2.ドローンを用いた遠隔採水システム。入水せず、ドローンから採水器を下ろし、指定深さでサンプリングが出来る技術。3上智大学研究ブランディング事業の概要、プロジェクトの理念、手法と成果。
We participated in SDGs Week EcoPro 2021 held at Tokyo Big Sight from December 8th to 10th, 2021.
We introduced the following three points from the research promoted by the institute:
1. Construction of a disaster-resistant, autonomous, and cooperative energy system technology that utilizes EVs for mobility functions in a disaster and energy regeneration through small-scale waste incineration to achieve low CO2 emissions; 2. Remote water sampling system using drones; 3. Outline of the Sophia University Research Branding Project, including philosophy, methods, and results.
We met graduates and high school students who came to our booth. It was also a valuable experience to talk with people from other universities exhibiting. The turnout for the three-day event was about 55,000 people. We appreciated very much for those who came to out booth!